Today instead of me telling you about our newest product… i will let an active player out of the Main-Rhein Area tell you about EVOSHIELD.
His name is Chad Posey and he plays Shortstop for the Hanau Blackwings.
Evoshield Review
I have played the game for a very long time. I have also found out with confidence that baseball is much more fun. When you have the right glove or bat you just have that feeling. When your hitting or making a routine grounder play in the infield. We all know that baseball can be a brutal sport and protection is a key just like any other sport.
I personally have been wearing Evoshield Wristguards and it has been great having this for hitting AND playing the infield. When fielding in baseball it can also protect your wrist from line drives or bad hops. When at the plate you turn it around and it does the same while you’re at bat. In the game of baseball any little thing that can make a player worry less or help the confidence of the player is a win win situation.

So here is the rating for Evo-shield wrist-guard;
- Durability- out of ten points I would definitely give this a 10/10.Why have I chosen 10/10 because of the simple fact that you can keep this for longer period than just one season.
- Protection- 10/10 the wrist area has a pocket forming pad that forms personalized to each player. So every player gets that custom feel for their own protection. The pad is stable and they last for a long period of time. The pad basically after being opened from the package forms basically into a rock solid pad. This pad is hard and can withstand many different things.
- Color Availability- 10/10 Evoshield has many different colors ranging from normal colors like red and black, but also having camo colors.
- Price- 10/10 The price for this wristguard is really a good price. Safety really has no price, but something that is built like this and does the job over and over again is magnificent.
So with all this said I am happy to announce that Dugout24 will be offering this locally in Germany. No more ordering from the states and paying huge shipping fees. If you play infield or outfield it doesn’t matter this product is great for all over the field. So if you want to look like the pros and not worry about getting nicked from a grounder, line drive, or pop-up buy one today!!!
You will not regret this purchase!!!!
Chad Posey#12 Hanau-Blackwings
P.S. Thank you Chad for your Review: Note from Coach at Dugout24… i think Chad has nailed it. If you want to play confident and safe head on over to the Shop and check out the newest Models of EVOSHIELD Wrist AND MLB Elbow Guards.